The title of this update blog post successfully names Update #53s uber feature. Workshop enables you to share the planets and challenges you created in the terraforming mode. While creating a planet their, you can now define Opponents, Rules and Events and they will be saved for the players of your challenge. You can then upload them to steam directly from the game. Read here how easy it is actually is. The best world creations might even make it into the game itself…

This is just the beginning. We will implement more abilities to script missions, create other factions, modding speakers and landing ships soon. What we already have is a workshop forum thread, leave your ideas on what you wanna create and mod right there.
New Quest Vizualization

All the goals in campaign missions are now grouped into quests of around 5-8 goals and their completion results in winning a central mission goals. That improves story telling and makes it much easier to recall in which context you are doing a certain goal.
New Game Options

Freeplay / Competition now offer to start a “Custom Game” which are totally self configured by you. “Workshop Games” have rules, elements and opponents predefined by the creaters of the challenge that you loaded from steam workshop. “Terraform Game” Means you start a challenge which you created in Terraforming maybe to test it before uploading to Steam Workshop.
New Languages

Lately brazilian language was added by DuH!! Thanks so much for that contribution.
Chinese translation updated to latest version.
New Epic Title Theme
New Music for Imagine Earth by Zevik Perry, thanks man!
Item Categories

Crafting menu in the workshop now has 3 item categories now Offensive items / Structures and Utilities.
- Creating a challenge in the sandbox now allows you to define rules, elements and opponents and save them with the planet.
- Level 3 city expansion for City Center is available from start in Free / Competition Mode
- Destruction process is having a nice debris effect.
- Asteroid smoke column tuned, looking much better
- Description for Leens Spacebot
- Old building icons reworked. Progress ring optimized
- Improvements for Magni and Bora Mission
- builder drones are now needed to reconstruct a ruin.
- Building orders have priority for builder drones over destruction orders. However repair and destinguish orders have top priority.
- items that are generated by certain buildings have a lower generation rate growth when you get 2x 3x 4x… units of a building.
- We got rid of item limit that was set to 8 because the places in the toolring.
- Research queue has 6 slots and shows them now no more than 6 active researchs are possible from now on.
- “Sell button” in trade menu is reconfigured to “Sell overproduction”
- Explosive device does not damage constructs on neighouring fields anymore.
- Mood Fix: Natives where too depressed, you always had to gift something before you could trade
- Exploding uplink drone balancing: Doesn’t take out all buildings around it anymore
- Warning sounds are now independent from time.
- “Warehouses are not running” bug
- Problem with ideon maps sold by natives.
- Wrong speakers for denial dialogs.
- Remediation center does now start one cleaning process after the other instead of twenty at the same time.
- Gold storage increased endless because auto trade with Midras was activated who pay in Gold
- Levelup Bug: City Center no longer needs a drone to update itself
- Overkill Bug fixed: all connected buildings exploded ;/
- Hangup on Startup when starting Campaign
- 2 Xrathul bugs eleminated