welcome and thanks for coming over. Before we bring you the benefits of update 1.18 we want to invite you to join the beta test of our Galaxies DLC.
If you’re interested in giving the new game mode an exclusive test run please join the beta channel in our discord. There we can grant you access and discuss the balancing of new features and functions.
[ Join the beta test via our Discord ]
Update: The beta test has already reached the maximum number of participant. Stay tuned for the final DLC release.

Update 1.18
Ring System Improvements
By default you get the build ring, by clicking the right mouse button again. That is supposed to give you direct access to inventory, functions and multi tools and all construction options without looking for a free field to open the build ring.
- We also rebuilt the ring that appears outside of your build radius and made it uniformly appear the same way on all outer fields of the planet.
- shows the option to directly build a city center and tells you directly how much more people you need for a new landing permit.
- it also offers access to tools, functions and inventory

AI Improvements
So far the AI often ran itself into bankruptcy, e.g. by throwing out a lot of money on tech licenses, demolishing production relevant buildings that were recently built, to make room for other buildings, putting crafting efforts into items that are not urgently needed and quickly planting loads of trees. All of this and more has now been improved along with the algorithm to choose a city landing spot that fits well into the goals and values of the faction.

Planet Emission Sequestration
This comes as a definable value now. You can change how much emissions the planet’s atmosphere and ecosystem can compensate and thereby how fast emissions will lead to a climate collapse.
More Construction Freedom
You can now build directly on fields with forests and rocks. They will be dismantled automatically. That saves a lot of extra clicks and time.

Relocate City Inhabitants
If you tear down districts the people in it will be relocated into other available homes. If there aren’t any empty houses the deconstruction process idles until you build new districts to provide room for your people.
List of Buildings
We optimized the panel with the list of buildings to show the info and values for a certain upgrade that you want to apply. That makes it clearer which benefits you’re actually unlocking by investing in your budget.

More Improvements
- You will now be informed when another faction has taken over parts of your territory
- We doubled the time an epidemic needs to spread because organizing 3 medicines can be quite devastating.
- Better visual warning from dangers in the city panel
Bug fixes

- Infinite Money Bug fixed – sorry! ;D
- Tool overlays with fire at the temple
- Presentation of the build selector in the water fixed
If you like what we do, please wishlist the DLC and give Imagine Earth a review on Steam!
Warm regards, Martin and Jens