“Super detailed and laser focused” – Geoff Keighly
“Build better worlds in Imagine Earth”– Rock Paper Shotgun
“looks kind of cool” – Kotaku
“Engaging and enchanting.”
90% –Softpedia
“One of the great management proposals of recent times.”
85% –Genericon Pixel
“Offers an immersive and thought-provoking experience.”
80% –Checkpoint Gaming
“Imagine Earth is an original hymn to ecology.”
80% –Multiplayer.IT
“Artistically every planet is a little wonder”
90% –Gameplay.cafe
86%– Epic Games | 83% – Opencritic | 82% –Microsoft Store | 78% –Metacritic
Deutschlandfunk Nova – Beitrag – 16 min
“Retten wir die Erde! Wenigstens im Videospiel…”, von Thomas Ruscher #German
Softpedia – 9 / 10
“most of the time the game from Serious Bros is both engaging and enchanting. Imagine Earth shines in both campaign and free play and I cannot wait to see how the team expands on its core mechanics.”
Multiplayer.IT – 8 / 10
“Imagine Earth is an original hymn to ecology. … the game by Serious Bros. offers a fun and non-trivial experience, undoubtedly thanks to community feedback and the work done over the many years the game has been in Early Access.”
Gameplay.cafe – 90
“Imagine Earth is a truly exceptional strategy game. … From the technical point of view Imagine Earth runs like a marvel, without slowing down even on medium range machines like mine. Artistically … every planet is a little wonder”
Genericon Pixel – 85
“A more than pleasant strategic surprise. One of the great management proposals of recent times.”
Checkpoint Gaming – 8/10
“offers an immersive and thought-provoking experience”
GameContrast – 87
“However, the well thought-out complexity is already apparent in the initial hours of play. Remarkable for a two-man team! That it is a project of the heart needs no proof whatsoever” #German
Gamestar – Developer Interview – 30 min
Two friends have been working on their game since university. For the release, they look back on this journey: their ambitions, the insights and the crises. #Paywall #German
Gamestar – 73
“Imagine Earth ist deutsche Aufbaustrategie pur!” #German
Writing Bull – Videointerview – 55 min
A nice chat in the stream with Daniel aka WB in the stream shortly after the release of Imagine Earth. #German
Gamespark.JP – Interview
“The game is unique in the way mixes many well known game mechanics in a refreshing and unconventional way. Mainly, the game shines by giving the player all the freedom to choose from the many possibilities and options it offers.” #Japanese
PCgamesN.com – Article
The new wave of city builders and management games tackling climate change.
GameOnAus.com – Review
“There’s also plenty of challenge for strategy sim veterans, especially with endless and competition modes.”
ICrewPlay – Review
The World Congress adds additional depth to the experience and is an original way to interact with the other leaders of the colonies we’ll be competing for supremacy.
Nordlivpodcast – Review – Swedish
Onigamers – Spotlight
Save or Quit – Preview
The variety of buildings and districts will keep every colony feeling fresh, with different specialization choices to be made along the way.
heise.de – Review
“Imagine Earth turns conventions on their head and questions conventional concepts of success. It brings zest to the dusty genre of economic simulations with its eco-message and original look.” #German
Voxel Voice – Review
“Imagine Earth is a very solid city builder. It’s focused approach helps it stand out among others city builders that try to do more.”
Gamers Global – Review
What I find positive is how many ideas are in Imagine Earth, and that there is not just one right way to successfully build a colony.
Moreover, I find it downright charmingly staged. #German
Games im Unterricht – Review
Imagine Earth is a strategic building game that takes a critical look at capitalism and the conflict between economic growth and sustainability. #German
Pre Release ( May 25 2021 )
English Press Coverage | Deutsche Presse

Climate Change – The Ultimate Game Challenge
Interview with
– GamesCapital.Berlin
Fünf vor Zwölf -Was kann die Gamesbranche zu einer besseren Umwelt beitragen?
– IMGonline.de
Mit dem Klima spielt man nicht – Eine Liste mit Öko-Spieletipps zum Weltumwelttag
– diezukunft.de
Games-Special zum Weltumwelttag
– games.ch
“Climate change on distant worlds” – german
– gain-magazin.de, André
Interview with Serious Brothers
– Manapool.co.uk
Imagine Earth is a refreshingly streamlined and charming approach to civilization sims—and one with plenty of room to grow as it wades through Early Access.
– Austin Wood, gamezone.com
“…This balancing act is what makes the game interesting.”
– Lena LeRay, indiegames.com
“The demo is quite charming… There’s already evidence of a decent game”
– Adam Smith, RockPaperShotgun.com
“this environmentally-conscious title may very well prove to generate news in the months to come.”
– Zhetalee, pixeljudge.com
“Imagine Earth is definitely worth taking a look at.”
– Evil Tactician, Manapool.co.uk
“Accompanying the fantastic gameplay is a brilliant soundtrack”
– James Bartholomeou, Indie-Love.com
“It’s a cool little game that takes a lot of good things and makes them pretty accessible.”
– Chaz Miller, twinfinite.net
“I can’t help but be entranced by its depth and new features!”
– Vincent Paone, dadsgamingaddiction.com
“Casual simulation does sound like a rather obvious contradiction in terms, but indie developers Serious Brothers seem to have somehow made it happen.”
– Gnome, Indiegames.com
“This game is wonderful fun! Go and check this out for youself!”
– Kottabos, n4gtv.com
Italien Review on http://theshelternetwork.com
– The Indie Shelter, Franscesco Riccobono
Youtube Review on Gamers Dissent
– Etalyx, Gamers Dissent
German Press
Gamescom 2020 – Imagine Earth Clip
Indie Arena Booth Video Trailer
Frei verwendbares Interview Material
Fragen und Antworten an Serious Brothers
WASD Magazin – Interview mit Serious Brothers (german)
– WASD Magazin Nr. 4
“Spiele mit dem gewissen Etwas”
– Deutsche Welle – Gamescom 2015, Köln
NDR – German TV interview about the making of Interview
“Klimawandel ist kein Mainstream Thema”
– NDR / Hallo Niedersachsen
“Öko-Konflikte in der Spielewelt.”
Themenseite in Braunschweiger Zeitung.
“Spiel mit dem Klima”
Artikel im Szenemagazin Subway
“Mit Umweltbewusstsein von Planet zu Planet”
Early Access Review auf early-access-addicts.de
“Imagine Earth macht seinen Job toll: ohne mir die Umweltkeule ins Gesicht zu hämmern, regt es mich das Spiel dazu an, umzudenken und stets auszutüfteln, wie ich Effizienz und Nachhaltigkeit vereinen kann.”