First impression on the next planet: Rounos

Hello and welcome to our weekly progress update, we have a lot to do, so I will make this short. The biggest thing we are working on is obviously the next episode that will take place on Rounos. It’s about the same size as Lorian with rings around it and a lot of rocks, gold and palm trees on the ground. Jens did a great job to make it look really beautiful.


Besides working on Imagine Earth we had to deal with a time and money consuming monster that hit us a bit unexpected:


Being able to publish Imagine Earth on Steam is awesome, but since we are located in Germany, international laws – especially tax laws – require us to change our “corporate structure”.  This is currently taking away a lot of our time and right now we are not sure if we will be able to finish Rounos until the end of July (as planned). We will keep you updated on this and tell you the new Rounos release date, as soon as we are confident about it.

Meanwhile enjoy the view of Rounos from space!